Home learning
On this page you can find websites that will support your child's learning at home. Please take your time to scroll down the page to find maths, literacy and stem links to follow.
Family learning support through the use of ICT
From the centre for Excellence in maths : some challenging maths instructions for each level
All pupils have a sumdog login.
https://mailchi.mp/mathforlove/dice-games-for-math-at-home -dice games for all ages For primary mostly - https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/dice-games -some dice games -not all maths related. Good for variety and siblings playing together with family members.
https://mathsbot.com/testMaker can choose topics/difficulty level, it’s got answers too! https:mathsvenns.com///mathsbot.com/starters/retrievalStarter Does what it says on the tin-again, can change difficulty to suit. https://mathsvenns.com/ Good for checking for real conceptual understanding/stretch https://goalfreeproblems.blogspot.com/ More upper primary really and into secondary. https://ssddproblems.com/ can be upper primary and secondary
Newlands Primary School will use GLOW as one of the tools to continue to support your child’s learning when the school has to close due to the current public health situation.
Your child can login to Glow using the following instruction.
Your computer needs to be connected to the internet. Use any web browser, but Chrome works best. Use the following key words to search: Glow login
There will be a link that says:
Glow - Sign In - RM Unify
Click on this link and it will take you to the login page.
Attached are your child’s login details. The password is the password they use at school to login on the system.
This will launch the glow Launch Pad
The class can email with each other and the teacher as appropriate. Click on the email tile. You might have to select the time zone and safe. All emails can be viewed by school staff and should be used for learning tasks or to keep in touch with school friends.
The teams tile is just for your child’s class. Here we can share work and cooperate with task. There will be tasks upload on teams to be completed and uploaded for the class teacher to feed back on.
Office 365 gives you all the standard MSoffice apps suchs as word, PowerPoint and others. More information will be made available on home learning tasks, frequency and feedback from teachers.
SBC Maths champions group have put together some useful links for you to use.
https://whiterosemaths.com/ There will be video tutorials and free access to premium resources.
Another good website with resources is countonus.org.uk. The director, Chris McKenna is due to attend the next Numeracy Champions meeting. https://www.countonus.org.uk/resources/ some preparation now or requests of families could mean children having ten frames, 100 squares at home.
https://completemaths.com/ https://mathsbot.com/ -This is a definite for all ages and stages –retrieval practice, starts can be used for random generation of questions for practice, puzzles. Great for virtual use of manipulatives.
https://www.ncetm.org.uk/resources/54409?utm_source=social&utm_medium=primary-round-up&utm_campaign=six-resources-for-teaching-and-learning-times-tables&utm_source=NCETM+Newsletters&utm_campaign=5247b05835-primary-round-up-march-2020&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_13f8d631f4-5247b05835-222993661 -6 resources for teaching times tables.
https://vimeo.com/showcase/timestables- primary class teacher has produced videos for timetables learning. Parent one at the end helps to see how to personalise or why not make your own or even better have pupils send you some of their own!
BBC Bitesize –Early Level Maths and Numeracy- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zrnbwty BBC Bitesize -1st Level -https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zpdj6sg 2nd level also available.
CBeebies- Number Blocks -mathforlove.com/lesson-plan/games/https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/shows/numberblocks Could be good to get kids making/drawing their own at home too.
Number and Dice Games: https://mathforlove.com/lesson-plan/games/
www.topmarks.co.uk An excellent website most children us at school
Google sumsense and you will find lots of great activities.
From the centre for Excellence in maths : some challenging maths instructions for each level
All pupils have a sumdog login.
https://mailchi.mp/mathforlove/dice-games-for-math-at-home -dice games for all ages For primary mostly - https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/dice-games -some dice games -not all maths related. Good for variety and siblings playing together with family members.
https://mathsbot.com/testMaker can choose topics/difficulty level, it’s got answers too! https:mathsvenns.com///mathsbot.com/starters/retrievalStarter Does what it says on the tin-again, can change difficulty to suit. https://mathsvenns.com/ Good for checking for real conceptual understanding/stretch https://goalfreeproblems.blogspot.com/ More upper primary really and into secondary. https://ssddproblems.com/ can be upper primary and secondary
SBC Literacy champions have put together some useful links:
As with in school, as part of your daily Literacy there would normally l be a balance of reading, writing, hopefully some type of virtual activity with teacher/class and then the more contextual based learning that could be supported by siblings also. Keeping screen time to a minimum for our youngest pupils will also be a challenge.
https://www.bl.uk/childrens-books British Library page with super ideas for activities related to children’s books.
Videos and extracts https://www.scottishbooktrust.com/learning-resources Scottish Book Trust –Authors Live Events can be viewed at home
https://www.scottishbooktrust.com/authors-live-on-demand 80 Author’s Live Events available to watch on demand. https://www.worldbookday.com/online-masterclasses/ WorldBook Day
https://www.literacyshed.com/home.html -This is a super resources discussed at Literacy Champions Networks. Huge wealth of visual resources mostly organised thematically.
If doing a piece of wiring then please encourage younger pupils to continue to use a pen and pencil to reduce screen time, Pupils can take a photo and send or download the App Scanbot which allows you to create a pdf and e-mail to the teacher as easily as taking a picture. (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/scanbot-scanner-app-pdf-ocr/id834854351)
Writing http://www.pobble365.com/ excellent pictures providing a stimulus for talk, writing, art, vocabulary generation. I see……I think…..I wonder…… as a stimulus? Writing Challenges, Story Starters all free. https://www.onceuponapicture.co.uk/ -could be used for variation once pobble has been used a few times.
Emerging Literacy
Highlandliteracy.com remains a great source of ideas for home activity.
https://alphabeticcodecharts.com/ -It may prove useful to send home some flashcards, alphabetic code charts as references for any supplemental teaching that can be provided online or via video clips in future.
Time spent creating their own flash cards for key words/vocabulary either now in school or once at home along with guidance for families in how to create routines around their use. Quizlet App is a great one for younger pupils.
Jolly phonics app can also be downloaded to mobile phones for practice and recall with songs, flashcards etc. included.
https://clpe.org.uk/poetryline - National Poetry centre, teaching resources, videos of poet performances, - a nice sequence of lessons and IDL opportunities for various poets and poems including Michael Rosen’s’ Jelly Boots Smelly Boots.
BBC Bitesize Early Level –Literacy https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/znqtbdm BBC Bitesize -1st Level – (listening and talking, writing, spelling)- videos on descriptive writing, instructions, reports and persuasive writing)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zfxtyrd/resources/1 BBC Bitesize 2nd level –all areas again – tasks could be set using videos as a stimulus, then either online quizzes or tasks in jotters to then check in with the teacher at a later point.
https://www.wordhippo.com/ -good website for exploring synonyms, antonyms, rhyming words –get pupils at home to create word webs
We're here to support your STEM teaching
New free-to-access resources launched this week
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Support for teachers, young people and families
New: Family activities to do from home
To help parents and guardians engage their children in their learning activities, we have produced some resources suitable for those aged from 4-16.
Browse here
Updated: Resources for home learning
As promised we have added some new materials suitable for home learning for you to share with families via your newsletters, social media and your school's website. They are free to access for everyone so please share as widely as you can to those who need them.
Browse here
From Primary Science Teaching Trust
All the Science Fun at Home resources will be available to download from our website. Please visit: https://pstt.org.uk/resources/curriculum-materials/Science-Fun-at-Home
New free-to-access resources launched this week
View this online
Support for teachers, young people and families
New: Family activities to do from home
To help parents and guardians engage their children in their learning activities, we have produced some resources suitable for those aged from 4-16.
Browse here
Updated: Resources for home learning
As promised we have added some new materials suitable for home learning for you to share with families via your newsletters, social media and your school's website. They are free to access for everyone so please share as widely as you can to those who need them.
Browse here
From Primary Science Teaching Trust
All the Science Fun at Home resources will be available to download from our website. Please visit: https://pstt.org.uk/resources/curriculum-materials/Science-Fun-at-Home